So as a first time mother, I didn’t have a clue what I would need or wouldn’t and where to even begin with packing bags for baby and I, so after lots of research, chatting with friends who have kids and also some of my lovely NCT ladies who have had their babies I thought I would share with you my lists. Who knows I may not use some of it and I’ll be sure to blog at a later date to let you know what was of use and what wasn’t!
So the first thing to say is, as you can
see above, I have packed two bags – one for me and one for baby. The main
reason for this is I’m well aware that I won’t be exactly “with it” when I am
in labour nor will I be bouncing around post labour able to get stuff, so I
want to make it as easy as possible for my lovely other half to find stuff
without me grunting/shouting/gesturing or trying to explain which zip pocket
things have been hidden in! This will also make things easier should anything
not go to plan and Dad needs to be in charge of baby for a while – have I
mentioned before how over the top organised for any eventuality I can be!
So I’ll start with baby’s bag and then go
into my bag – feel free to comment if you think I have missed anything that
could be of use!
Baby’s Bag:
The first thing to note is I have multiple
outfits in a variety of sizes as we have no idea on weight or height. I’ve also
only bought plain white as we don’t know the sex of our baby!
3 x Newborn baby grow’s with built in
scratch mits
3 x Up to 1-month baby grow’s with built
in scratch mits
6 x vests
3 x muslins
6 x hats (I’ll explain why so many below)
2 x going home outfit options (1 x
Newborn, 1 x Up to 1-month)
6 x nappies
Cotton wool (to wipe baby at first – wipes
can be too harsh on a newborn)
Swaddling blanket
Baby bottles & milk (I have bought
HIPP organic newborn milk that are already in bottles with teats so no need to
worry about sterilising or warming milk!)
So I have 6 outfits for baby as we are
planning to be in at least a night at our birthing centre. They midwives like
to keep an eye on you and support you for the first day and have been amazing
with everyone I know so I am taking all the support I can get!
I know 6 hats might seem like a lot – but
go with me here… again to make life easier for me and my other half, I have
packed sandwich bags with a baby grow, vest and hat in each, so we don’t have
to be searching for things (as you can see below), plus I have baby grows with
in-built scratch mits and feet so I don’t need to be fannying around with socks
and mits straight away!
Also I am packing my own milk for baby. As
I’ve mentioned previously, I am unable to breast feed, so I’ve done my research
and I will be starting with HIPP organic.
The midwife led unit does have milk and
bottles there, but I would prefer to start baby with the brand of my choosing
rather than have to switch over and potentially cause tummy upsets. I know 6
bottles isn’t much, but we live less than 5 mins from the birthing centre so a
quick trip home to collect more can be done by the Mr (yes I am prepared!)
My bag:
So onto my bag – there are a few things
I’ve seen people say are essential that I haven’t included, I have gone as
basic as can be for me!
Pack of Maternity pads
Pack of large granny knickers from M&S
(ready for the giant maternity pads)
2 x pairs of comfy socks
Flip flops (for wandering about/showering
2 x nighties (I did pack PJ”s but obvs
these aren’t so suitable for the checks needed, so I bought a couple of
maternity ones from Asda)
2 x vests - I have these to wear in the
pool so I'm not completely nudey, although I have heard that your dignity goes
out of the window so who knows if I will use them!
Mini travel hairbrush with mirror
Hair bobbles
Dry shampoo
Small wash bag with travel shampoo,
conditioner, shower gel, toothpaste and toothbrush)
Cleansing wipes
Phone charger
Sweets – Jelly beans, jelly babies and
wine gums (I’ve been told the sugar rush post birth is a requirement!)
Snacks (haven’t packed yet but have
homemade flapjacks on standby and will make sure there is food!)
Going home outfit – I have leggings and
two different top options and a pair of daps (converse)
Straws – I’ve been told to pack these so I
can drink easily when in the birthing pool – who knows if I will use them!
Make up – yes I will be packing a small
amount of makeup and I don’t care if you judge me for it! Ha!
Eye mask and ear plugs – I’ve been told of
the noise and snoring that can disturb you on the ward, so these are in as an
emergency if needs be!
I haven’t packed any towels which seem to
be on a load of lists that are out there - but the hospital have tons and given
what might end up all over them I'd rather not ruin mine!! Also as I'm not
breastfeeding I haven't packed any breast pads or lanolin - but have been told
if you are planning on breastfeeding, these are absolute top of the list items
that you will need and be very grateful for.
So that’s it – there is my list of
hospital bag must have’s – if I have missed anything or if you have any advice,
please let me know!
Written by Rhi from @rhifreshing_
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